UGA scAAEP presents:
Our Goals
The UGA Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (scAAEP) Equine Summit is an annual event open to the public - horse owners, vet students, and pre-vet students!
This year, we hope you will become more familiar with common disease processes and how they are diagnosed and treated. We aim to help you recognize signs of various disturbances, communicate effectively with your veterinarian, and understand the goals of work-ups and treatment options. We hope to add to your arsenal for making well-informed decisions about your horse's care.
We look forward to seeing you in August!
The UGA scAAEP Horse Owner Seminar, now presented as the Equine Summit, is our biggest fundraising event of the year and is used to support student activities such as attending conferences and providing educational lectures & wet-labs for our veterinary students. Funds also support our annual active member scholarship, awarded to 3rd year scAAEP member(s) in good standing who have demonstrated commitment to our club, are dedicated to the greater equine community, and intend to pursue a career in equine practice.
Thank you for your support in this endeavor.